Sneak Peek & Summer Send-Off


Sneak Peek and Summer Send-Off are single camp days kids can enjoy before and after the regular day camp sessions.

Register for Sneak Peek & Summer Send-Off


Sneak Peek

Kick off your summer with excitement at Sneak Peek! Campers will enjoy a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. This action-packed camp includes special events, field trips, water play, arts & crafts, sports, and games to start the summer off with a splash. Be sure to check the camp calendar for all the exciting details. It’s the perfect way to launch your summer of fun!

Camp Supervisor: Julie Freels

Grades K-2 Day Location Time Code R/NR Fee Registration/Refund Deadline
June 4 W Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105667 $65/81 May 13 at 9 PM
June 5 Th Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105668 $65/81 May 13 at 9 PM
June 6 F Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105669 $65/81 May 13 at 9 PM


Camp Supervisor: Anna Swain

Grades 3-5 Day Location Time Code R/NR Fee Registration/Refund Deadline
June 4 W Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105680 $65/81 May 13 at 9 PM
June 5 Th Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105681 $65/81 May 13 at 9 PM
June 6 F Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105682 $65/81 May 13 at 9 PM


Summer Send-Off

Finish your summer with a bang at Summer Send-Off!  Campers participate in both indoor and outdoor activities.  This action-packed camp includes field trips, water play, arts & crafts, sports and games. Be sure to check camp calendar for details.

Camp Supervisor: Julie Freels

Grades K-2 Day Location Time Code R/NR Fee Registration/Refund Deadline
August 4 M Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105670 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 5 T Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105671 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 6 W Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105672 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 7 Th Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105673 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 8 F Sullivan Center, Aspen Room 8 AM-5 PM 105674 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM


Camp Supervisor: Anna Swain

Grades 3-5 Day Location 8 AM-5 PM Code R/NR Fee Registration/Refund Deadline
August 4 M Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105990 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 5 T Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105991 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 6 W Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105992 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 7 Th Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105993 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM
August 8 F Peterson Park Shelter 8 AM-5 PM 105994 $65/81 July 15 at 9 PM