Park District Closed Through April 30

April 1, 2020

Yesterday, Governor Pritzker extended the Stay-at-Home Order through April 30 in an effort to help contain the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Due to this extension, all Vernon Hills Park District facilities will remain closed and all programs and events through April are cancelled.
During this time, we must work together so we can continue to enjoy the outdoors safely. As a reminder, all playgrounds, ball fields, and athletic courts are closed and the use of the play equipment is prohibited. Together, we can do this to ensure that our parks and open spaces remain open, accessible, welcoming and inclusive to all people.
As park and recreation professionals, we know in our hearts that good mental health is often related to having access to the outdoors and green space. Research over the years has shown that when people are more stressed, anxious and socially isolated, as we are right now due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, having access to parks, paths and natural areas becomes even more important. Spending time walking and biking on park paths is one effective way to cope.
As the weather warms, and more people are outdoors, we need to be especially aware of following social distancing guidelines. We are in this together and everyone needs to do their part by complying with the Governor’s order.